5 Ways to Come Out on the Short List.
Everyone is one conversation away from a brand-new opportunity to pivot their career and create a new life for themselves. But, to be able to land that coveted new opportunity, you may need to appear in multiple interviews and different kinds like a hiring event, or else you might not make the shortlist.
The :hire difference sets us apart not only in how we recruit for our talent partners but also in how we recruit for our internal positions. Let us help you figure out which category is the best fit at our Meet & Greet Hiring Event.
What’s the purpose of the Meet & Greet?
The interview process is complicated, and despite this fact, Meet & Greet Hiring Events are an effective way for employers to make the best hiring decision. Candidates meet leadership on a professional level in a socially, less formal situation. The goal is to develop mutually beneficial relationships not only with a potential new employer, but you can create a community of people who can provide advice, suggestions, feedback, and support. And one day, you can return the favor.
Pros and Cons of Meet and Greet?
- Attending job interviews in this manner saves time for all parties.
- Applicants are given a chance to say what they want to learn more about the company and ask questions directly.
- It becomes difficult for applicants to stand out among other potential employees if they are not given an individual interview time slot.
- When many people attend, there is no time to provide adequate information that some applicants might be interested in about the company and position(s) available.
5 Things to Do to Ensure You Make the Short List.
Meet & Greet Hiring Events AREN’T just for college students and entry-level positions; they are for anyone of any age looking for a job.
The advantage of Hiring Events, as opposed to traditional one-on-one interviewing, is that more people can be interviewed within the same time frame.
Some people have difficulty knowing what to wear or how they should act in this setting, so these tips on how to make it to the shortlist may help you get started.
1. Present Yourself Professionally
One of the main reasons professionalism is important for job candidates is that the first impression leadership has of you affects the interview. If you dress professionally and present yourself well, leadership is more likely to see you as competent in doing the job. To make sure you always present yourself professionally, keep the following tips in mind:
- Make sure your attire is consistent with the company culture…
- Make sure you’re well groomed…
- Accessorize appropriately…
- Dress according to the position you want…
- Be mindful of the workspace….
- Behave professionally…
2. Be Prepared & Confident
It is essential to be open and confident during a hiring event interview. You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression so make it count. Be open, confident, and well-spoken. Convey your passion for the job and your skillset.
You’ve gotten used to seeing yourself on screen with all your zoom calls, so practice interviewing beforehand. Better yet, if you have a friend or family member that could help you practice, utilize it.
Practice conversing with them about the industry you are applying for and the open position within the organization.
3. Know what Employers are looking for AND how YOU measure up.
Go in with an understanding of what will be expected of you on the job, especially if it isn’t immediately clear from reading any documentation or talking with anyone beforehand.
This setting allows employers to weed out candidates more quickly and effectively than they would through the usual application, telephone interview, and in-person interview process.
This social setting gives employers a look into what you might be like as an employee, which ultimately is their number one goal. They need to find someone that’s going to not only do the job well but be a good fit for the organization.
4. Prepare a List of Questions in Advance
Hiring Events open doors into the ins and outs of an organization. Often they are held on location and applicants have the opportunity to see firsthand how the day-to-day operations of the organization work upon arrival.
Having questions ready in advance helps to alleviate the awkward silence when the employer asks, “Do you have any questions.” It also shows the employer what research you have done. Be sure to ask questions that showcase your research such as, “I saw on the website where x happens, can you elaborate how that plays into, y….
This is the best time to get all your questions answered, however, don’t get too caught up looking at one tree that you forget you’re in the forest. That could move you from the shortlist just as quickly.
5. Bring a Copy of Your Resume
There might not be a single person asking for a copy of your cover letter or resume, but you don’t want to look at leadership and say you don’t have a copy if they ask for one. If leadership is impressed with you, they may want to check references* before offering you the position. Be sure to have those readily available at the time of the hiring event.
* Don’t provide references from previous employers or friends that you haven’t asked for permission from first.
No matter if offers are being made on the spot or the Hiring Event was the first step in the process, follow up with a thank-you note. This not only shows your genuine interest in the position, but it can remind the leadership of your suitability for the position or other positions within their organization.
Remember, Hiring Events can seem like they will be stressful. However, there’s not a lot to worry about. Take a deep breath and remember that doing this will help keep stress levels down and help secure a position from the interview.
A little prep work ahead of time can go a long way to securing your new career!
Join us for our next Meet & Greet Hiring Event, August 17th from Noon – 4pm at 33 N Plaza Blvd., Chillicothe, Ohio 45601.
:hire = fast, friendly service + the best jobs